Nupur Bhattacharya Blogger

Thursday 20 February 2014

Choco Cream Kulfi

 - "CHOCO CREAM KULFI"- Kulfi My Style


1. Milk - 1/2 Litre
2.Condensed Milk - Less than 1/2 Small Tea Cup
  (I have not added sugar here cause Condensed Milk in itself acts like a sweetener)
3. Vanilla Essence - 1 drop


Boil the milk on a low flame until it becomes little thick. Now add the vanilla essence & condensed milk (you may also skip the condensed milk if the milk has thicken enough, but then add sugar/ sugar free to it) . When the milk becomes quiet thick let it cool on room temperature for couple of mins. Now pour it in a Kulfi Mould and let it chill in deep refrigerator for several hours (keeping it overnight will be fab. As you crave for it till it actually melts in your mouth ;) ;) )



1. One small bite of any chocolate (I had 5 Star in my fridge so used it)
2. Water - less than 1/2 cup
3. Red Wine - 1 tsp
4. Coffee - less than 1/2 tsp (a pinch or two would even work, just for the flavor)
5. Milk - 3 Tbsp


In a pan put the chocolate, add water and let it liquify. Now add Red Wine, Coffee and let it cook for 5 secs, and then add milk and let it cook for 5 to 10 secs more on a medium high flame. Pour it in a small container and let it cool in room temperature for 5-6 mins. Now keep this sauce in the fridge and let it cool.


So, now, we have the Kulfi, We have the Cream and the Chocolate sauce of course. Place the Kulfi in a serving plate and top it with cream and chocolate sauce...

Phewww...So do you really want to wait to have it???  :) :)

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